Birthday Celebration!

Good afternoon, Oak Room Family!  We had the opportunity to celebrate our first birthday of the year in Oak Room!  The children discuss their birthdays with the teachers and choose how they would like to celebrate.  RN chose to celebrate with a popcorn and movie day and the children had a great time with it.  We hooked up the projector, sang an exciting round of Happy Birthday to RN, navigated a couple technical difficulties and successfully watched Bluey with some delicious popcorn.  We honor the children at Ambrose and build classroom community by following their lead for celebrations of themselves and their interests in ways that are meaningful to them.  

The children had a fantastic time studying nature samples brought in by DY.  The children got out magnifying glasses, sample tins and the microscope to more closely study the similarities and differences of the various items and try to identify some of the specimens.  KB and DY both decided to draw diagrams of the leaves as a process to study their properties.  

It looks like a snake skin

Have a wonderful day!


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