Good afternoon, Oak Room Family! It was a Friday Funday today with a lot of inside activities this morning because of the rain but we did make it outside under the cover of the patio for a while too.
Good afternoon, Oak Room Family! It was an exciting first day of meeting new friends and reconnecting with old friends. The children started the process of creating classroom agreements and that process will continue over several meetings until we have a final set of classroom agreements. We spent time playing in the Oak Room, we toured the school building and had a great time outside this morning. This has been a fantastic beginning of school! Have a great day!
Good afternoon, Oak Room Family! The children are quickly catching on to our routines and transitions and are enjoying predicting what comes next. They also continued the discussion today about classroom agreements. Yesterday they focused mainly on creating agreements to have safe bodies (not hitting, punching, kicking, biting, scratching, etc. were some of their ideas yesterday) and today they moved into some other areas like adding that we should walk in line instead of run, we should ask for toys rather than take them from each other and ask for the toy after a friend is finished if they are still wanting to use it. We will continue discussions about how we can treat each other kindly and be safe at school and will continue developing our classroom agreements. It can be more meaningful for children to be discussing and developing these agreements themselves rather than having a list of rules dictated to them. At Ambrose it is our intention to suppo...
Good afternoon, Oak Room Family! This morning we had small capers which is when we open up the classrooms in our part of the building and children can move freely between the rooms engaging in the invitations in their own or other classrooms. This is an opportunity for children to meet and over time get to know the other children in our wing of the school. It also gives the children a chance to share with other students what they are working on in their classroom as well as learn what other children are doing in their classroom. It is a way to expand our classroom community as well as share and grow the children's ideas. We capered this morning with Maple Room, Acorn Room and Seedling Room and if you would like to see the blogs from those classrooms for today you can view them at the following: Have a wonderful day!
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